Sunday, 31 July 2011


 The Chocolate Box Girls Each sister has a different story to tell, which one will be your favourite? Cherry Costello's life is about change forever. She and her dad are moving to Somerset where a new mother and a bunch of new sisters await. On the first day at Somerset, Cherry meets the gorgeous Shay Fletcher. But Shay has a girlfriend; Cherry's new stepsister, Honey. Cherry knows her friendship with Shay is dangerous - it could ruin everything. But that doesn't mean she would stay away from him.

Who Was Your Favourite Character?

My favourite character was Cherry because she has a wonderful and active imagination which sometimes causes her to make up little white lies, which leads her to bigger lies. Though she doesn't have many friends she still remains positive. Now that her dad has met someone she will now have a proper family. 

What Was Your Favourite Part Of The Book?

My favourite the part of the book would probably the ending, because after all she has been through she gets the boy of her dream, Shay, three lovely new sisters who accept her for who she is and they understood why she lied and they didn't judge her. Even though Honey, didn't really forgive her, they are kind of getting along. Lastly she now has a wonderful stepmother and a great dad. 

What Rating Out Of Five (?/5) Would You Give This Book?

I would definitely give this book a 5/5. It is a really gripping novel about how one’s life can change in just moments. It also has romance and hilarity. :-)

1 comment:

  1. This was a really good book blog Sophia! It was all detailed and you made the book sound interesting! However on your next book blog could you maybe change the font because sometimes it was really difficult to read :)
